Brazil-Germany Symposium 2022

Niterói, September 18-20, 2022


Olívia Maria Cordeiro de Oliveira

Olívia Maria Cordeiro de Oliveira

Geologist from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Master in Geology fromUFBA and PhD in Geochemistry from the Fluminense Federal University (UFF),Brazil. Is currently Director of the Institute of Geosciences (IGEO)/UFBA in hersecond term. Full Professor at the...

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Francisca Rosario

Francisca Rosario

Chemical Engineer from the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 1985.Master of Science in Metallurgical and Engineering from the Metallurgical andMaterials Engineering Program at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(UFRJ), 1991. DSc in Geosciences,...

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Roldan Muradian

Roldan Muradian

Roldan Muradian has extensive experience in international research, capacity building, teaching andcooperation in higher education, in a broad range of subjects dealing with the interface betweendevelopment, governance and the environment. Dr. Muradian has more than...

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Renato Marques

Renato Marques

Full Professor at the Federal University of Paraná. PhD in Forest Ecology from École Nationale Du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts - ENGREF-Nancy / Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique - INRA-Champenoux and Post-Doctorate at CEFE/CNRS (France) and Freiburg...

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Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho

Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho

Emmanuel Zagury Tourinho holds a PhD in Psychology (Experimental Psychology) at theUniversity of São Paulo (1994). He is a Full Professor at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA),Brasil, where he works in the Graduate Program in Behavioral Theory and Research. He...

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Niels Olsen

Niels Olsen

1. FORMAÇÃO ACADÊMICA/TITULAÇÃO  2000 - 2003 Pós-doutorado. Imperial College London, ICL, Grã-Bretanha.  1997 - 2000 Doutorado  em  Medicina  (Nefrologia).  Universidade  Federal  de  São  Paulo,  UNIFESP, São...

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Fernanda B. Morrone

Fernanda B. Morrone

Prof Fernanda B Morrone holds a degree in Pharmacy, master’s, and PhD degreein Biological Sciences (Biochemistry) from the Federal University of Rio Grandedo Sul, Brazil. Prof Morrone has a CNPq Productivity Scholarship and is fullprofessor at the School of Health and...

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Vânia G. Zuin Zeidler

Vânia G. Zuin Zeidler

Vania Zuin Zeidler is a professor at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar, Brazil), andcurrently a visiting professor at the Leuphana University (Germany) and at the GreenChemistry Centre of Excellence (University of York, UK). Her background is Green...

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Adalberto Luis Val

Adalberto Luis Val, a senior researcher with INPA-Brazilian National Institute for Research of the Amazonsince 1981, studies biological adaptations of fish of the Amazon, including effects of climates changes, tosupport biodiversity conservation, food security and...

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