Abstract submission guidelines


Participants interested in oral or poster presentations must submit their abstracts before the deadline.

Notice: Abstract submission deadline: August 08 (Only Poster Session). For participants from Brazil the deadline has been extended to August 15.

The Symposium Organization Commission will inform the Abstract authors soon after the acceptance and the type of presentation.

The presentations – oral or poster – must be in English.

Guidelines for abstract submission:

  1. It is mandatory to submit the Abstracts in English.
  2. Abstracts should include:
  • Title
  • Authors, eg. Müller, HP; Mustermann, B (max. 5 authors)
  • Institute/Contact: Institute, Department, City, Country, E-mail
  • Abstract: Arial 12, Borders 2,5 cm, justify, line spacing 1
  • Limit of one page DIN A4, including references.
  1. Please use the abstract template (.doc).
  2. Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail as attached computer files in .pdf format and as a .doc file.
  3. Indicate in the title of the work your preferred form of presentation (Oral or Poster). However, the presentation form is a final choice by the Symposium Organization.
  4. Send Abstracts (.pdf and .doc) to: brazgerm.nab@id.uff.br
  5. Please provide the thematic session letter (A, B, C, D) at the end of the abstract.


The Symposium Organization will only include the abstract in the Book of Abstracts with the registration payment in time.


Guidelines for talks:

  1. The presentation must be in English.
  2. Presentations are 10 minutes plus 5 minutes of discussion.
  3. Use Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) or .pdf as presentation format.
  4. Please bring your presentation on USB flash memory to the conference office on the day of your lecture.


Guidelines for posters:
  1. The language is English.
  2. The poster size is A0 portrait. 
  3. There is no option to print your poster onsite.

Click here to download the template


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